Sunday, February 14, 2010

.Happy Valintine Day in all my npi friends

.Happy Valintine Day in all my npi friends
Sharing good times with good friends is the greatest joy.
This is the stuff that makes life worthwhile. Whether sharing
a meal together or a good conversation, there is nothing more
fulfilling then spending time with friends. We must be thankful
for the friendships that come our way for not all are blessed
with the skills to form deep relationships. Those of us that
do have friends must never take for granted the gift bestowed
upon us.
10 Commandments Of Love (READ MORE)

1. Give 100% of yourself at all times.

2. Treat your partner as the unique
individual that he/she truly is.

3. Stay connected through your word and

4. Accept change and support growth in
both yourself and your partner.

5. Live your love.

6. Share the love, fear, work, and play.

7. Listen to your mate.

8. Honor the subtle wisdom of the heart
and listen to the powerful insights of the

9. Do not be a jerk or a nag.

10. Integrate the purity of spiritual love
with the passion of physical love and the
power of emotional love.

1 comment:

  1. म श्री एडम्स केभिन, Aiico बीमा ऋण ऋण कम्पनी को एक प्रतिनिधि हुँ तपाईं व्यापार लागि व्यक्तिगत ऋण आवश्यक छ? तुरुन्तै ठीक आफ्नो ऋण स्थानान्तरण दस्तावेज संग अगाडी बढन तपाईं रुचि हो यो इमेल मा हामीलाई सम्पर्क यदि हामी, 3% ब्याज दर मा ऋण दिन।.
